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The Techno Savvy Year-2020


The Techno Savvy Year-2020

To most people who are cursing the Year 2020 for the unexpected pandemic situation, they are going to be leaving behind all of their old social groups & friends, and are going to end with regrets for this time. Are we really in isolation or into a beautiful time for creation, think about it. It’s something that goes through the mind of just dealin
with the present scenario. Taking no further actions to change it, means you are not less than dead end. Isn’t it true or really worth it?


It’s important to address it not to isolation but to be in a creation period, be creative, be passionate, read more, and develop this feeling of anxiety into serenity. The year 2020 can be appropriately named as the “Techno Savvy Year ” of this century. People of all age groups whether a young child, teenager or adults or seniors, everyone has adapted technology into their lives in some or the other way. It’s time to get yourself recreated rather sticking to old times traditions and methods.


Hang out in whichever space you are, stay in touch with those back home around you & learn to enjoy your own company. Be uniquely YOU.


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